Sunday, January 27, 2008

la réponse à la lecture: Week 1

Describe your response to the descriptions of the learning environment at Black Mountain College (Ch. 4 and Ch.8)

I believe that no college student could ask for a better learning environment that the one of Black Mountain College. With an enrollment that never passed ninety students, one was guaranteed a hands-on education without the clutter. I love the lack of requirements and rigidness because I feel that a learning environment is best at one's own regulation. Also, the fact that students were "expected" to have a voice is a very refreshing idea compared to nowadays where we seem to have little. I do agree with Rice with his arts in the curriculum idea. With today's pop culture-craved society, its tough to find real art anywhere unless you search hard. I blame this mostly on the lack of emphasis on the arts in college education and more centered focus on business (just take a look at the CIS building on campus). Yes, money makes the world go 'round, but what good is it without art?
In addition, I dig the idea that BMC was a place for original and unique students as well as professors, some whom didn't seem fit at other universities (i.e. Rice and Albers). This sort of open learning vibe seemed to have rubbed off on several artists such as Rauschenberg whom said he learned more from the environment than the classes themselves. Although it was before the Hippie counterculture movement, I believe that Black Mountain College may have been one of the birthplaces for it, especially in a free-spirited place like Asheville.

Describe your response to the description of "The Event" organized by John Cage.

As far as this "The Event" goes, it seems to me like one of those "you had to be there" moments, because the description on paper just cannot give the live presentation any justice. This had to have been on of the first installation experiences ever witnessed and I'm somewhat jealous of those who attended. The randomness of empty cups in all the seats was a cool idea and some students seemed to have caught on as they brought in coffee for the cups. It's really a bummer college is nowhere near the openness and spontaneity of events like "The Event".

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

this is only a test.

"Techno Choosic" - Elf Wax(American for "avant-garde")